Studying can be an expensive business. You’ve got textbooks, course fees, and all sorts of other expenses that add up quickly if you’re not careful.

According to Education Data Initiative, the cost incurred to attend college has more than doubled in this century, with an annual growth rate of 7.1%. The average cost of college in America per student per year comes to be around $35,550.

If you’re planning on going to college soon, or if you’re just looking for ways to make your studies more affordable, here are some tips to keep in mind:

Get Help Online

There are different ways to get help online. You can find affordable help from tutors and subject experts on sites such as SweetStudy. They will walk you through the process of solving complex assignments. You can also access study guides and exam prep materials on sites like SweetStudy.

You will find plenty of free resources available on websites. They even offer courses in specialized subjects like programming languages. These courses are a great way to learn your subject at your own pace and with little cost.

Many sites offer paid study plans ranging from $10 to $100 per month, depending on the type of plan it is (e-book vs. video-based). These e-books/videos come with access codes, so there is no need for shipping fees either.

Follow YouTube Videos

While it’s essential to take advantage of school resources and opportunities, there are ways to save money. One of the best ways to do this is by following Youtube videos.

According to Statista, YouTube is the second most popular social network globally, with 2,562 million active monthly users. Video-based tutorials on YouTube can teach you everything from how to use a new app or piece of software to how to solve math problems and write an essay.

They’re also really helpful for people who want additional help with their studies but don’t have access to advisors or teachers they trust. If you find yourself struggling with something in particular, then we recommend looking up a video on Youtube that explains the concept in more detail than what your textbook offers.

Join a Study Group

If you want to excel in your studies and gain the best grades, you need to study with a study group. A study group is usually made up of three to five members who meet regularly to discuss and review their classwork.

The benefits of having a study group include:

  • You will get more time to review difficult concepts because other members will share their notes or textbooks with you.
  • You have someone else who can help explain difficult topics that your teacher may not have explained well enough, especially when it comes to math and science subjects.
  • You get feedback on how well-prepared your lessons are before they are presented during class, which means less time spent fixing them later on down the line.

Study at Public Libraries

Public libraries are a great place to study, especially if you live in a city where they’re plentiful.  Public libraries have tons of books and magazines available for perusing at no cost. Some even have audiobooks.

If you find yourself struggling with an assignment, check out your local library’s website for more information on the classes that they offer. Many public libraries host free tutoring sessions as well. If all else fails, don’t be afraid to ask the librarian, they might know exactly what you need and how best to get it.

Utilize Your Local College’s Learning Center

Some colleges and universities have learning centers where students can get help with their coursework. These are often staffed by graduate assistants who are studying to become teachers themselves. They may not have the same credentials as a professor, but they have the same academic knowledge, which is all you need to succeed in college.

According to Zippia, education is the highest-paying industry for graduate assistants, and there are more than 38,838 graduate assistants employed currently in the US. Visit the website of your school’s learning center for more information about what services are offered and how to access them.

Ask For Help When You Need It

The best way to excel at your studies is to ask for help when you need it. Sometimes, we are so afraid of looking stupid that we don’t ask for help when we need it, which can lead to failure in our studies.

To excel in your studies and get the most out of them, make sure you seek help from others if you struggle with something. This can be from family members or friends, teachers or classmates. It doesn’t matter who they are as long as they know how to teach the subject well and are willing to do so.


The most important thing to remember when studying on a budget is that you need to be smart with the money you have. Don’t waste your money on things that don’t help you get better grades. Instead, use it wisely so that you can put all of your effort into what matters, which is studying.

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