Banks need full-scale digitalisation

Banks need full-scale digitalisation

  Moreover, the industry is facing an accelerating digital threat, both from new digital competitors and from customers’ rapid and widespread adoption of digital banking. Left unchecked, this threat could lower the industry’s ROE to...
India's FinTech adoption rate exceeds global averages: Report

India’s FinTech adoption rate exceeds global averages: Report

  The level of financial technology (FinTech) adoption among digitally active Indian consumers has surged over the past two years and exceeded the global average, says a report. According to EY FinTech Adoption Index, India has...
Connected Money. HSBC opens a new chapter in digital banking

Connected Money. HSBC opens a new chapter in digital banking

According to the Financial Times, this became a reality owing to the new regulations designed to boost competition and make it easier to switch providers. In particular, in UK Open Banking rules came into force at...


APARNA SHIVPURI The digital revolution is turning global industries upside down and has reached the banking sector. People now embrace fully integrated banking experiences, using smartphones, tablets and wearables to do everything from buying products...
Consumers ‘Flocking’ To Digital Payments, Led by Internal Transfers

Consumers ‘Flocking’ To Digital Payments, Led by Internal Transfers

  AUSTIN, Texas–Consumers are “flocking” to their digital devices to make payments, according to newly released data. Overall, volume in money movements rose 5%– 7% per financial institution in the past year, covering these types of...
An Israeli Digital Bank May Only Be One Year Away, Says Local Regulator

An Israeli Digital Bank May Only Be One Year Away, Says Local Regulator

By Reut Shpigelman A fully digital bank may only be one year away, according to Israeli banking regulator Hedva Bar. Speaking on Tuesday at the FinTech 2018 conference held in Tel Aviv by Calcalist, Bank Leumi,...
How China is competing for digital innovation leadership

How China is competing for digital innovation leadership

By Paul Mah Once known for its cheap copycat products, China has gone a long way since then and evolved into a powerhouse in the digital arena. And according to a new report titled “Walled...
PayPal India betting on freelancers to fuel digital payments growth

PayPal India betting on freelancers to fuel digital payments growth

By Durba Ghosh@durba1985 India at present is one of the largest market for freelancers in the world with over 10 million people engaged in freelancing gigs. While India’s digital payments trajectory has been concentrated on small...
The Ultimate Guide to Finding Investors

The Ultimate Guide to Finding Investors

Quick Navigation Crafting a Business Plan Write an Executive Statement Set Clearly Defined Goals Calculate the Amount of Money That You Need Achieving Visibility, Viability and Market Readiness Join a Professional Social Networking Platform Professional Blogging Communicate with Personal Connections Engage the Local...
Accessible data and AI: Powering the future of fintech

Accessible data and AI: Powering the future of fintech

BY: RACHEL CARPENTER Why does the fintech industry need to make data and AI more accessible? In short, time, money and intelligence. Each day we are tasked with making financial decisions on matters ranging from personal finance...