Entrevista a François Derbaix CEO Indexa Capital

Entrevista a François Derbaix CEO Indexa Capital

(By Luis A. Torralba, Valenciaplaza.com) La gestora de inversiones Indexa Capital ha cumplido su primer año de vida en el que ha logrado gestionar unos 18 millones de euros tras ganarse la confianza de más...
Will Fintech Kill Traditional Banking or Simply Help It Reinvent Itself?

Will Fintech Kill Traditional Banking or Simply Help It Reinvent Itself?

(by Natan Sinnot, www.entrepreneur.com) The search for the next big thing is a constant in Silicon Valley. The drive to innovate and pioneer is what keeps the tech sector steaming ahead, discarding those unable to maintain pace. The...

The unconventional use of bitcoin

(by Rosamond Hutt, weforum.org) Blockchain was created as the system for running bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Big banks and corporate giants are racing to make the technology work for them in the belief that it...
63 Companies Shaping Africa’s FinTech Ecosystem

63 Companies Shaping Africa’s FinTech Ecosystem

(by Elena Mesropyan, LTP) Africa is the largest unserved market that has dropped out of sight of the global financial system. Some estimates suggest that there are ~330 million adult Africans, who lack access to...

Top 10 Fintech Companies in Mexico

(by Angela Scott-Briggs, www.techbullion.com) Fintech is thriving in Mexico. With over 158 fintech start-ups, Mexico is the largest fintech market in Latin America, surpassing other big markets such as Brazil (130 start-ups) or Colombia (77...
IBM Research: Cognitive Credit Risk

IBM Research: Cognitive Credit Risk

Overview We are at the beginning of a revolution in financial services fueled by new technologies in blockchain, cognitive computing, mobile and cloud—collectively referred to simply as FinTech. In this domain, IBM Research – China...
Forbes: How Fintech Companies Can Capture The Millennial Market

Forbes: How Fintech Companies Can Capture The Millennial Market

Every few decades, one generation comes along and disrupts an economy with new innovations, proving that things that were once deemed necessary are now outdated or inefficient. Today, as the largest and most technologically adept...
Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and central banks: Opportunity or threat?

Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and central banks: Opportunity or threat?

(bu World Economic Forum, in collaboration with VoxEU) While excitement about Bitcoin appears to have subsided, the blockchain technology underlying Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is attracting growing interest (e.g. Oliver Wyman 2016). Central banks have...
Why FinTech and Why Now? The executive point of view

Why FinTech and Why Now? The executive point of view

(by Evans Munyuki, 30 Nov 2016) There is no denying that technological innovation is an evolutionary force in business, politics and even culture; in the industry of finance, it is driving capital, captivating attention and...
Another Nation Has Developed a National Currency That’s Entirely Digital: Senegal

Another Nation Has Developed a National Currency That’s Entirely Digital: Senegal

(by the Futurism.com) The country of Senegal has announced it will be issuing its own national digital currency based on blockchain technology, the same technology powering Bitcoin. Senegal’s new eCFA digital money will have legal tender...