Boom, bubble or bust for fintech?

Boom, bubble or bust for fintech?

(by Howard Lindzon) The term “fintech” has become all the rage; investors and media can’t stop talking about it. Many people also have been talking about the “bubble” in the tech industry, but could there be...
Israel's Flourishing Fintech Has Many Fathers

Israel’s Flourishing Fintech Has Many Fathers

(by Dennis Mitzner) Israeli finance technology has taken giant leaps in the last few years. Hundreds of local startups are developing new technologies for payment and security solutions, and multinational companies and banks are flocking to...
El 94% de los españoles posee un smartphone

El 94% de los españoles posee un smartphone

Kantar lanza  la nueva edición del estudio Connected Life, este estudio trata sobre el consumidor conectado. Los datos revelan que los españoles tienen una media  3,6 dispositivos propios. El Smartphone lidera la lista  con...

Here’s where fintech is heading next

By Nikolai Kuznetsov Thus far, growth in the Fintech sector has been exponential, but that has largely been the result of many years of under-development and a general absence of regulatory hurdles. That has left...

French Regulators to Launch Fintech Teams; French fintech startups welcomed the move, which could...

(Wall street Jounal, 04 May 2016) The French banking supervisory authority and the country's securities regulator are teaming up in a bid to support innovation in France's nascent fintech sector. Speaking at the Fintech R:Evolution conference...
Los españoles, más conectados a las redes sociales que sus vecinos europeos

Los españoles, más conectados a las redes sociales que sus vecinos europeos

El uso de las redes sociales en España experimenta un "crecimiento brutal": los internautas españoles se conectan cada semana a una media de 6,2 plataformas sociales, una cifra superior a las 5,4 de sus...
Examining The Top 4 Fintech Predictions For This Year And Beyond

Examining The Top 4 Fintech Predictions For This Year And Beyond

By David Klein Alongside “Unicorn” and “Grexit/Brexit,” “Fintech” was considered one of the top 10 financial buzzwords of 2015.  But fintech isn’t a newcomer to this list — and for good reason. For a few years now, fintech companies...