Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence news: AI aims the goal of interpreting, use and learn from data. Machine learning, data mining and deep learning are its tools.

Exclusive: Inside Finland’s digital revolution

By Chia Jie Lin In a government office in Finland, 28 employees are working alongside 18 robots to trial a new way of working. Finland is one...

How AI Will Challenge Small Banks to Innovate

  Artificial intelligence promises to change customer relationships with banks. As more customers bring devices such as Amazon’s Alexa and Google Home into their residences, forward-looking banks can...

Survey Says: Consumers Aren’t as Opposed to Bots as You Might Think

  When it comes to getting the best customer service, new Genesys research shows 71% of consumers say a human is needed while 76% also...

How AI-powered Mobile Banking App Enhances Customer Experience

By Mitesh Patel Machines are getting smarter globally. Thanks to thriving Artificial Intelligence (AI) concept, companies can make their devices more powerful and ‘intelligent’ to...

How Will 5G Shake Up Banking And FinTech?

  Financial institutions are in the midst of becoming more mobile, with many of those legacy operations opting to work more closely with FinTech providers...


by Kamalika Some The one risk-on strategy was the norm of the decade since the financial crisis bottom-fishing equity indexes. Machine learning can implement varied versions...
Seis tendencias destacadas en el sector Fintech

Seis tendencias destacadas en el sector Fintech

  El año 2020 es un enorme contenedor de hitos a todos los niveles, también en la industria Fintech, y 2019 es el último año...
How banks, customers benefit from artificial intelligence

How banks, customers benefit from artificial intelligence

By Will Hernandez The banking industry lately has pointed to Erica, the virtual financial assistant offered by Bank of America, as a prime example of...

How can AI, Blockchain And Machine Learning Go Hand-in-Hand?

  The last few years have seen exponential growth in new technologies. It seems that the world is now opening up to new ideas and...

How Israel Is Poised To Be A Blockchain Frontrunner

By Viva Sarah Press Government leaders, industry giants, and go-getting entrepreneurs have big ambitions for blockchain technology, the revolutionary distributed digital ledger system expected to solve...

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How Blockchain tech can streamline treasury operations

How Blockchain tech can streamline treasury operations

Blockchain is entering its institutional era. And the enterprise treasury function is all eyes and ears to the innovation. For example, news came this week...
Three ways DeFi will revolutionize financial services

Three ways DeFi will revolutionize financial services

DeFi is poised to create a future where financial services are digital, open, always-on, and borderless, says Bill Barhydt, CEO, Abra. By Bill Barhydt It’s widely...
Why smart investors buy Bitcoin not Real Estate

Why smart investors buy Bitcoin not Real Estate

Bitcoin's finite supply, unmatched liquidity, and deflationary model make it the ultimate asset for modern investors. Learn why forward-thinking investors have decided to buy...