
Blockchain news: Information, uses and researches about the cryptographed distributed ledger. The protocolized peer to peer network started with bitcoin.

Qué tecnología usarán los inversores en el futuro

Qué tecnología usarán los inversores en el futuro

Por Sergio Morales   El mercado se encuentra inmerso en una transformación digital impulsada por la automatización del trabajo y la desaparición de las oficinas físicas, entre...
Five Facts

Five Facts You May Not Know About Blockchain

The term “blockchain” has become synonymous with software development, technology, and digital currency. And while many people—particularly those in the information technology and crypto...
¿Qué efecto puede acarrear el coronavirus para las inversiones fintech?

¿Qué efecto puede acarrear el coronavirus para las inversiones fintech?

  La inversión global en empresas fintech en 2019 cayó en términos interanuales pasando del récord del 2018 (US$ 141.000 millones) a los US$ 135.700...
Blockchain provides a path to bolstering businesses in a time of crisis

Blockchain provides a path to bolstering businesses in a time of crisis

BY CRAIG STEVENS Americans are facing unprecedented challenges due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus. But like every crisis before it, we are also learning...
Los seis retos que afrontaría el sandbox en España

Los seis retos que afrontaría el sandbox en España para la innovación fintech

Por Rafael Gómez Torres Hechos clave: La Asociación Española de Fintech e Insurtech (AEFI) identificó seis aspectos que deben abordarse. El gremio pide que su...
How China hot-housed a new technology and 35,000 ‘blockchain’ companies

How China hot-housed a new technology and 35,000 ‘blockchain’ companies bloomed

By Kelly Le Two years into China’s crackdowns on crypto fraud and tightening regulations, more than 35,000 “blockchain” companies are in business on the mainland.  Scores...

The Legaltech White Swan: Tips on scaling-up tech initiatives in the legal industry

A Black swan is a concept coined by Nassim Nicholas Taleb to describe those highly unlikely events that once upon a time happen and...
Atención emprendedores: Wayra, de Telefónica, acelerará startups tecnológicas

Atención emprendedores: Wayra, de Telefónica, acelerará startups tecnológicas

  Telefónica busca startups tecnológicas maduras que puedan inyectarle innovación a su propio negocio y a su red de clientes, por lo cual creó Wayra...
Microsoft are ‘banking’ on technology

Microsoft are ‘banking’ on technology

By Mark Forker In an interview which covered a whole range of topics, Amann disclosed his definition of digital transformation and highlighted Microsoft’s investment in...
Blockchain, la nueva tecnología que moverá u$s 1.394 millones en el mercado asegurador

Blockchain, la nueva tecnología que moverá u$s 1.394 millones en el mercado asegurador

Por Leo Elduayen Se estima que esta tecnología moverá alrededor de u$s 1.394 millones en el mercado asegurador global en 2023, según un informe de MarketsandMarkets. La cifra...

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Blockchain’s true breakthrough lies in its constraints

Blockchain’s true breakthrough lies in its constraints

By Davide Menegaldo Disclosure: The views and opinions expressed here belong solely to the author and do not represent the views and opinions of’...

The Impact of IPL Auctions on Betting Trends

The IPL auction is one of the most eagerly anticipated events in cricket. Franchises make fierce bids for marquee players months before the very...
4 ways that AI and tech are reshaping finance

4 ways that AI and tech are reshaping finance

By Betsy Vereckey Generative AI and financial data are opening up the digital economy to more consumers and small businesses, but crypto concerns remain. Advances in artificial...