Blockchain provides a path to bolstering businesses in a time of crisis
Americans are facing unprecedented challenges due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus. But like every crisis before it, we are also learning...
Los seis retos que afrontaría el sandbox en España para la innovación fintech
Por Rafael Gómez Torres
Hechos clave:
La Asociación Española de Fintech e Insurtech (AEFI) identificó seis aspectos que deben abordarse.
El gremio pide que su...
How China hot-housed a new technology and 35,000 ‘blockchain’ companies bloomed
By Kelly Le
Two years into China’s crackdowns on crypto fraud and tightening regulations, more than 35,000 “blockchain” companies are in business on the mainland.
Blockchain, la nueva tecnología que moverá u$s 1.394 millones en el mercado asegurador
Por Leo Elduayen
Se estima que esta tecnología moverá alrededor de u$s 1.394 millones en el mercado asegurador global en 2023, según un informe de MarketsandMarkets. La cifra...
La lista Fintech 50 de Forbes incluye a 6 empresas cripto
La revista Forbes publicó esta semana su lista Fintech 50, en la cual se encuentran seis empresas blockchain entre los medios de comunicación de las empresas de tecnología...
2020 Vision: 7 trends bringing blockchain into focus in the year ahead
By David Shrier
2020 brings us the start of a new decade, and with it comes the gradual maturation of blockchain technology, bringing it down...
Swiss Banks enter the age of bitcoin
By Leigh Cuen
Although such bankers may still be a minority, Zurich-based SEBA Bank AG opened in November 2019 with a universal banking license and a suite...
Three of the Best Blockchain Wallets IOS Available In 2020
Having bitcoins is one thing, and storing, sending and receiving bitcoin is another thing. The ease at which bitcoins is transacted among various parties...
Cryptocurrency Square gets patent for crypto-friendly real-time payments system
Square, the payments provider operated by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, won a patent to debut new tech, allowing users with different assets to transfer payments, including...
Bitcoin: cuáles son las proyecciones para la criptomoneda más popular
El bitcoin es la moneda digital más popular de las 4.000 que existen en el mercado. Pese a su volatilidad extrema, despertó una verdadera “fiebre del oro"...
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Three ways DeFi will revolutionize financial services
DeFi is poised to create a future where financial services are digital, open, always-on, and borderless, says Bill Barhydt, CEO, Abra.
By Bill Barhydt
It’s widely...
Why smart investors buy Bitcoin not Real Estate
Bitcoin's finite supply, unmatched liquidity, and deflationary model make it the ultimate asset for modern investors. Learn why forward-thinking investors have decided to buy...
Bitcoin: What went wrong?
The priorities of Bitcoiners are starting to shift in the wrong direction, and represent an actual existential threat to the success of a censorship...