60 Latin American Banks Can Now Use Bitcoin for Cross-Border Payments
Christine Kim
A leading bank technology provider in Latin America is partnering with cryptocurrency exchange Bitex to facilitate cross-border payments over the bitcoin blockchain.
“The integration...
Established Cryptocurrency Exchange Launches Real Gold and Silver Trading
While Bitcoin and associated cryptocurrencies are experiencing something of a bounce off of the 2018 lows, one of South Africa’s oldest cryptocurrency exchanges have...
Por qué están en auge las “stablecoins”, la criptomoneda que ya mueve u$s 3.000...
Frente a la extrema volatilidad de las criptomonedas, las "stablecoins", monedas virtuales de cambio fijo, cada vez seducen a más internautas.
En los últimos doce meses, el...
Libra vs. Bitcoin
Por Rodolfo Andragnes (*)
Desde la aparición de Bitcoin se sucedieron más de 3000 nuevas criptomonedas, algunas meras copias con pocos cambios (litecoin, doge), otras...
Banco central de Corea considera que una criptomoneda desestabilizaría su economía
Por Luis Alejandro Rodríguez
La semana pasada, Corea del Sur expresó públicamente que no estaba especialmente interesado (al menos a corto plazo) en la emisión de una...
ECB Official Lauds Central Bank Digital Currency, Disregards Bitcoin
By Basil Kimathi ·
The Chairman of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania has stated that the central bank digital currencies are new, more efficient, and are...
Chicago becomes crypto kiosk battleground
Chicago is becoming a battleground for cryptocurrency kiosk companies looking to attract the city’s early adopters of digital currencies like bitcoin, ether...
Why security tokens will change the stock market
Matej Michalko is the Founder and CEO of DECENT, a decentralized blockchain platform revolutionizing data distribution
Buying company stock means you own a stake in...
Blockchain-based finance platforms go mainstream
JP Morgan´s launch of its own “digital token" is critical for the sector.
IBM, American Express and even NASA have started to implement...
En Argentina, puedes pagar con bitcoin el transporte público
A partir de la alianza de AltoViaje y Bitex se ha habilitado la posibilidad de fondear con Bitcoin la tarjeta que en Argentina la gente...
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Bitcoin: What went wrong?
The priorities of Bitcoiners are starting to shift in the wrong direction, and represent an actual existential threat to the success of a censorship...
How AI and quantum technologies are transforming the financial industry
The financial services’ vast well of data and communications means the industry both benefits and is vulnerable to harm by artificial intelligence (AI).
Three ways DeFi will revolutionize financial services
DeFi is poised to create a future where financial services are digital, open, always-on, and borderless, says Bill Barhydt, CEO, Abra.
By Bill Barhydt
It’s widely...