Costa Rica ofrece a empresas ‘fintech’, potencial de desarrollo, según Deloitte
Por: Patricia Leitón
Un estudio elaborado por la empresa Deloitte a nivel mundial sobre las fintech (acrónimo formado de las palabras en inglés financial y technology)...
Diputados aprueban la Ley Fintech para regular criptomonedas en México
Por Pedro Pérez Cesari
Con 286 votos a favor, 3 en contra y 63 abstenciones, la Cámara de Diputados de México aprobó la Ley para regular...
UnionBank embraces tech behind bitcoin in digital pivot
By Cathy Yang
If a bank is serious about going digital, it needs to do more than just use the latest gadgets to make transactions...
How Blockchain Will Transform Credentialing (and Education)
By Tom Vander Ark
According to a new report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service, Blockchain will end paper-based certificates, automate the...
México, en la antesala de ser referencia mundial en FinTech
Por Gerardo Rodríguez
El sector Fintech -aquel que agrupa a empresas tecnológicas que brindan servicios financieros- han manifestado un auge en México en los últimos...
Criptomonedas dominan discusión fintech en redes
Por Alejandro Chávez
Desde la popularización de las redes sociales en el grueso de la población, el análisis de las publicaciones de los usuarios se ha convertido...
How Blockchain Can Transform The Future Of Entertainment
By Sunny Dhillon
Hollywood and the music industry have traditionally controlled access and distribution. (Credit: FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP/Getty Images)
Although blockchain technology remains far from mainstream...
El sector financiero requiere de una reingeniería tecnológica
La Asociación Mexicana de la Industria de Tecnologías de Información (AMITI) señala que los consumidores actuales están adoptando la tecnología a paso veloz en...
Swiss Falcon Bank Embraces Digital Assets
Zurich-based Falcon Private Bank was one of the first mainstream financial institutes to embrace the trade with bitcoin, launching a platform for its client to buy...
Largest Banking Event Promises Bigger Role to Digital Economy
By Maziar Motamedi
Tehran’s iconic Milad Tower on Monday hosted the largest banking event of the year, which whole-heartedly supported financial technology and innovative solutions to...
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How Crypto has redefined international money transfers
Digitalization has already made our world more interconnected than ever before and has unprecedentedly streamlined transactions between individuals and entire nations across the globe.
‘AI will accelerate blockchain adoption:’ Interview with Pantera Capital’s Cosmo Jiang
By Denis Omelchenko
hare spoke with Pantera Capital’s general partner, Cosmo Jiang, about artificial intelligence, the rise of deepfakes, and how AI can...
Aureabase Review: Your Ultimate Forex Trading Companion []
Forex trading requires accuracy, strategy, and real-time analysis. In such a situation where the markets fluctuate in seconds, one needs a solid platform to...