Legal Tech

Legal Tech news: Also regtech news, or law tech, refer to technology applications in the practice of law, as digital signature, eFilling or smart contracts.

Las fintech que todavía son mexicanas

Las fintech que todavía son mexicanas

  Les dicen fintech, que es un anglicismo poco útil en un país que usa el español y poco habla de finanzas. Es una nueva generación de...


A connected digital single market is one of the political priorities of the Juncker Commission, which supports the overall objective of creating growth and...
European Union: New rules increase competition and security between banks and fintech,

European Union: New rules increase competition and security between banks and fintech, toughen security

By CPI The European Commission approved rules on Monday, November 27, to increase competition and toughen up security in how people pay for goods...
Ley Fintech en México abre el camino para América Latina

Ley Fintech en México abre el camino para América Latina

Ciudad de México – Luego de que el pleno del Senado de la República dio el visto bueno a la iniciativa de Ley para Regular...
Lithunia: A Window to The EU For Asian Fintech Companies?

Lithunia: A Window to The EU For Asian Fintech Companies?

  Lithuania is set to boost innovation for financial technology (“FinTech”) companies as Britain’s upcoming exit from the European Union (“EU”) intensifies the race for...
Mercado de criptomonedas alcanza los US$ 117 mil millones

Regulaciones de fintech y criptomonedas en Mexico tendrán validez a partir del 15 de...

Por  Adriana Camacho La cámara del Parlamento Mexicano aprobó un proyecto de ley que busca regular todas las operaciones de empresas de fintech. La idea, en pocas...
Ley Fintech podría contribuir al combate de la corrupción

Ley Fintech podría contribuir al combate de la corrupción

  El senador por Chiapas, Zoé Robledo se pronunció por la regulación de servicios financieros priorizando la inclusión y la innovación para dar acceso en...
Global Corporates Chasing Technology Innovation in Banking

Global Corporates Chasing Technology Innovation in Banking

  According to the exclusive report, titled Financial Technology and the Corporate, around 13 percent of corporates have either partially or fully switched banks in...
Region’s largest FinTech hub set to open in Bahrain

Region’s largest FinTech hub set to open in Bahrain

Manama - Bahrain FinTech Bay (BFB), billed as the largest dedicated FinTech hub in the Middle East and Africa, is scheduled to open in February next...
Taiwan could be quite competitive with Singapore or Hong Kong in terms of market size

Taiwan’s Failing Fintech Dream

  In Taiwan, the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) in 2015 established a Fintech Office to plan and promote fintech development. Since taking office in May...

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How Blockchain tech can streamline treasury operations

How Blockchain tech can streamline treasury operations

Blockchain is entering its institutional era. And the enterprise treasury function is all eyes and ears to the innovation. For example, news came this week...
Three ways DeFi will revolutionize financial services

Three ways DeFi will revolutionize financial services

DeFi is poised to create a future where financial services are digital, open, always-on, and borderless, says Bill Barhydt, CEO, Abra. By Bill Barhydt It’s widely...
Why smart investors buy Bitcoin not Real Estate

Why smart investors buy Bitcoin not Real Estate

Bitcoin's finite supply, unmatched liquidity, and deflationary model make it the ultimate asset for modern investors. Learn why forward-thinking investors have decided to buy...