Legal Tech

Legal Tech news: Also regtech news, or law tech, refer to technology applications in the practice of law, as digital signature, eFilling or smart contracts.

Singapore is Beating the World at Fintech

Singapore is Beating the World at Fintech

Commitment is evident in accessibility, education, and funding As a tiny country with limited natural resources, Singapore built its outsized influence on the world as...
The Rise of Digital Payments in the Wake of India’s Demonetization

The Rise of Digital Payments in the Wake of India’s Demonetization

By Akhila Singaraju On November 8th, Narendra Modi, India’s prime minister, announced a new economic policy that took 500- and 1000- rupee bills out of...
The evolution of the regulatory landscape alongside the rise of FinTech.

The evolution of the regulatory landscape alongside the rise of FinTech.

Traditionally, compliance isn’t seen as the most innovative or exciting area, but hand in hand with FinTech, and other innovative businesses it becomes much...
The digital corner. Digital transformation in banking – is it a mission impossible?

The digital corner. Digital transformation in banking – is it a mission impossible?

By Sabrina Del Prete Digital transformation is the new craze in banking. Chief Digital Officers, a role just fresh out of the mould, barely have...
The future of our cities? It could be blockchain

The future of our cities? It could be blockchain

(By Hussein Dia, Many trends on the horizon offer opportunities that could transform our cities. From self-driving vehicles and the sharing economy through to...
McKinsey Report: a brave new world for global banking

McKinsey Report: a brave new world for global banking

(By Denis Bugrov, Miklos Dietz, and Thomas Poppensieker, Our annual global banking review finds that a weak global economy, digitization, and regulation threaten the...
Colombia’s Poor Banking Infrastructure Great Potential for Bitcoin

Colombia’s Poor Banking Infrastructure Great Potential for Bitcoin

By Kevin Helms, The South American country of Colombia has a crumbling financial system but the bitcoin market has enormous potential. interviewed SurBTC’s CEO...
From Fintech to Finlife: the case of Fintech Development in China

From Fintech to Finlife: the case of Fintech Development in China

(by Long Chen, China Economic Journal) Abstract The purpose of technology is not to make finance better, but to make finance serve real life better. Fintech...
El sector fintech en España: convocatoria Bankia Fintech

El sector fintech en España: convocatoria Bankia Fintech

(by El sector, en permanente cambio y crecimiento, genera ya en España empleo para 2.000 personas Finance and Technology, de la unión de estos dos términos surge la palabra fintech....
Switzerland aims to be a top fintech jurisdiction

Switzerland aims to be a top fintech jurisdiction

Switzerland has recently proposed a new law which would make the national fintech market more open, flexible and competitive. New provisions include the introduction...

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How Blockchain tech can streamline treasury operations

How Blockchain tech can streamline treasury operations

Blockchain is entering its institutional era. And the enterprise treasury function is all eyes and ears to the innovation. For example, news came this week...
Three ways DeFi will revolutionize financial services

Three ways DeFi will revolutionize financial services

DeFi is poised to create a future where financial services are digital, open, always-on, and borderless, says Bill Barhydt, CEO, Abra. By Bill Barhydt It’s widely...
Why smart investors buy Bitcoin not Real Estate

Why smart investors buy Bitcoin not Real Estate

Bitcoin's finite supply, unmatched liquidity, and deflationary model make it the ultimate asset for modern investors. Learn why forward-thinking investors have decided to buy...