La Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera participará en Forinvest 2018 – fórum de FinTech
Consolidado como el mayor foro de networking financiero-empresarial de España, Forinvest celebra su próxima edición en Feria Valencia los días 7 y 8 de...
Nayeli Meza Orozco
La maldición de la Ley Fintech terminó. La iniciativa, que estuvo atorada durante meses en la Cámara de Diputados, por fin, fue...
Proud to be the organizers of the Fintech panel at FORINVEST 2018
FORINVEST 2018: The bank and insurance transformation is already a fact. The new generations are driving a continuous change of the business models. On-line...
TransferWise raises $280m amid rapid expansion into Southeast Asia
By Simon Alvarez
UK-based fintech startup TransferWise is preparing to make a huge splash in Asia Pacific. The online remittance startup recently raised an additional US$280...
From bank to digital bank: How tech can strengthen lenders for a better tomorrow
By Kalpesh J Mehta
Nowadays, customers expect to be at the centre of a bank’s engagement model. For banks to thrive, the key is how...
Diputados aprueban la Ley Fintech para regular criptomonedas en México
Por Pedro Pérez Cesari
Con 286 votos a favor, 3 en contra y 63 abstenciones, la Cámara de Diputados de México aprobó la Ley para regular...
FORINVEST 2018 – Fintech Forum: Alastria, primer consorcio multisectorial blockchain al mundo
El fórum Innovación, Fintech e Insurtech de Forinvest 2018 - que abre sus puertas el próximo miércoles, tendrá una conferencia sobre Alastria, el primer...
Los préstamos de las fintech argentinas crece, pero registran un 20% de morosidad
Préstamos: las dos grandes ventajas de las fintech respecto a los bancos son la posibilidad de reducir las tasas por tener menores costos fijos y la...
La Empresa Brasileña de Correos va a ofrecer servicios de retiro y depósito de...
Con una meta agresiva de llegar a un millón de clientes hasta el final de 2018, la fintech conta.MOBI, acaba de cerrar asociación con...
Humanising the digital banking revolution
As with so many of the revolutions currently being unleashed in areas such as telecommunications, digital technology and robotics, it is difficult to predict...
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How Blockchain tech can streamline treasury operations
Blockchain is entering its institutional era. And the enterprise treasury function is all eyes and ears to the innovation.
For example, news came this week...
Three ways DeFi will revolutionize financial services
DeFi is poised to create a future where financial services are digital, open, always-on, and borderless, says Bill Barhydt, CEO, Abra.
By Bill Barhydt
It’s widely...
Why smart investors buy Bitcoin not Real Estate
Bitcoin's finite supply, unmatched liquidity, and deflationary model make it the ultimate asset for modern investors. Learn why forward-thinking investors have decided to buy...