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Fintech news: Financial Technologies news that implement innovations in order to improve financial services. Also referred to companies using these techs.

Largest Banking Event Promises Bigger Role to Digital Economy

Largest Banking Event Promises Bigger Role to Digital Economy

By Maziar Motamedi . Tehran’s iconic Milad Tower on Monday hosted the largest banking event of the year, which whole-heartedly supported financial technology and innovative solutions to...
NEW REPORT: How AI Helps Banks Close The PFM Gap

NEW REPORT: How AI Helps Banks Close The PFM Gap

  The mobile devices in consumers’ pockets are getting smarter, and consumers are increasingly using those intelligent capabilities to manage their money. Now, banks are turning...
Tech n’ go: Predicciones de lo que pasará en e 2018

Tech n’ go: Predicciones de lo que pasará en e 2018

 Por Moises OteroAcabo de pulir la bola de cristal y poner una alarma para que dentro de un año hagamos un balance de mis...
Usuaria de una billetera virtual denunció que le robaron dinero de su cuenta bancaria

Usuaria de una billetera virtual denunció que le robaron dinero de su cuenta bancaria

  Una técnica por la cual se podía cometer fraude bancario a partir del uso de una billetera virtual, para extraer dinero de un cajeroautomático sin conocer el número de PIN que sirve de...
NAB predicts the future of digital banking in 2018

NAB predicts the future of digital banking in 2018

By Stuart Marsh NAB's executive general manager of digital and innovation, Jonathan Davey, said the biggest innovation for customers will be the ability to speak...
“Cada día el emprendimiento colombiano es más maduro y profesional”

“Cada día el emprendimiento colombiano es más maduro y profesional”: Rockstart

  Su visión con respecto al futuro del emprendimiento, los planes de la aceleradora europea en el país y los detalles con respecto al Demo Day que se...
O-Bank calls for revisions of digital security rules

O-Bank calls for revisions of digital security rules

By Ted Chen  /  Staff reporter O-Bank Co Ltd (王道商業銀行), the nation’s first digital bank, yesterday urged its peers to be more open to revising...
Las “fintech” tendrán un año muy positivo

Las “fintech” tendrán un año muy positivo

  La decisión del Banco Central de alentar la digitalización en el mundo de las finanzas, con el objetivo de facilitar la inclusión financiera, hizo...
New era banking by Zodiaq, world’s first cryptofiat bank.

New era banking by Zodiaq, world’s first cryptofiat bank.

ZODIAQ is building a financial blockchain corporation, that with time will represent a universal crypto-currency center with a fully-fledged independent ecosystem. At heart lies...
Llega TransferWise a la Argentina para enviar dinero al exterior

Llega TransferWise a la Argentina, la popular app para enviar dinero al exterior

    Crecen las fintech en la Argentina, donde acaba de desembarcar el gigante europeo TransferWise, la aplicación para enviar dinero al exterior sin pasar por el banco...

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Emerging Threats in the Metaverse: Protecting Virtual Brand Assets

Metaverse is a realm where everything digital interconnects. Games, social media, online shopping, VR — together they form a dimension that makes digital and...
OpenAI’s business strategy- How it is transforming Big Tech?

OpenAI’s business strategy- How it is transforming Big Tech?

Explore the OpenAI's business strategy in transforming big tech OpenAI has established itself as one of the pioneers in the AI battlefield and has been...
Crypto for advisors: Tokenization of real world assets

Tokenization of real world assets

Real World Assets could help stabilize crypto volatility impacts on performance while streamlining portfolio management. By Herwig Konings, Sarah Morton The creation of a digital representation...