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Fintech news: Financial Technologies news that implement innovations in order to improve financial services. Also referred to companies using these techs.

RBC is the first bank to offer Siri e-transfers

RBC is the first bank to offer Siri e-transfers

By Jayson MacLean RBC has become the first Canadian bank to provide its customer with e-transfer services using the Siri feature on Apple phones and...
How Blockchain will Change the Future of Financial Service Sector?

How Blockchain will Change the Future of Financial Service Sector?

By Toni Xhufi The technology that is likely to have an enormous impact on the future of the world economy has arrived and it is...
La revolución fintech es imparable y “está empezando a desintermediar"

La revolución fintech es imparable y “está empezando a desintermediar”

La realidad es que tras el I Estudio presentado por el Observatorio Globaltech sobre Rentabilidad Financiera hay una pérdida de cerca de 7.300 millones...
Kantox: la estrella del fintech español negocia con cinco grandes bancos para ‘prestar’ su tecnología

Kantox: la estrella del fintech español negocia con cinco grandes bancos para ‘prestar’ su...

By Jesús Martínez, La voz de Philippe Gelis fue una de las más críticas con la banca tradicional. Es cofundador de Kantox, una de las...
How Brexit could help Berlin take London’s fintech crown

How Brexit could help Berlin take London’s fintech crown

By Victor Reklaitis When it comes to Brexit’s winners and losers, Berlin looks set to snag a few victories — especially the city’s growing financial-technology...
Bankia Fintech by Innsomnia atrae a 37 startups de 13 países

Bankia Fintech by Innsomnia atrae a 37 startups de 13 países

Bankia Fintech by Innsomnia, primera incubadora y aceleradora fintech de España, ha logrado atraer a 37 startups de diferentes continentes en su convocatoria internacional....
La 'fuga de cerebros' de directivos de la banca tradicional al sector FinTech

La ‘fuga de cerebros’ de directivos de la banca tradicional al sector FinTech

El enorme crecimiento del sector FinTech a lo largo de los últimos años viene explicado en gran medida por la ventaja competitiva que representa...
Fintech companies are in 'a full-scale battle for talent'

Fintech companies are in ‘a full-scale battle for talent’ — here are the hardest...

By Oscar Williams-Grut LONDON — Britain's booming fintech sector is facing a skills shortage, according to exclusive data provided to Business Insider, with many job...
China invierte más de US$10.000 millones en tecnología financiera

China invierte más de US$10.000 millones en tecnología financiera

Las inversiones chinas en tecnología financiera este año podrían superar los US$ 10,000 millones récord del 2016 a medida que las empresas continúan recaudando...
Los proyectos fintech más prometedores de España

Los proyectos fintech más prometedores de España

By Mará Gómez Silva «Fintech», el neologismo creado a partir de los vocablos ingleses «finance» (finanzas, en español) y «technology» (tecnología), se refiere a la...

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How Stablecoins are gaining increased adoption & popularity?

How Stablecoins are gaining increased adoption & popularity?

Explore stablecoins, the reason behind its rise, and the top stablecoins. Cryptocurrencies are gaining popularity worldwide. Stablecoins have been positioned as one of the top...
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Top Gaming industry trends in 2024

Gaming Industry Trends in 2024: Innovations and Insights By Lahari As we step into 2024, the gaming industry will be witnessing ultra-structural changes. From technological innovation...
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain – The duo transforming finance

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain – The duo transforming finance

By Elizabeth Abbott For the last few years, terms such as ‘cryptocurrency’ and ‘blockchain’ have become popular in the sphere of finance and IT (information...