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Fintech news: Financial Technologies news that implement innovations in order to improve financial services. Also referred to companies using these techs.

Turning Big Data into Business Insights

Turning Big Data into Business Insights

By Amy Talbott Big data is a big deal in business right now. There are more methods than ever to gather information about any aspect...
Has the cut in banking jobs created a surge in tech applications?

Has the cut in banking jobs created a surge in tech applications?

Since the Brexit vote last year there has been much discussion on what impact the vote may have on the recruitment and retention of...
Can FinTech respond to the rise of Alternative Investments?

Can FinTech respond to the rise of Alternative Investments?

Alternative investments are on the rise. In the era of geopolitical turbulences, business environment with low interest rates and secular stagnation, well-informed risk takers...
Se desarrolla en Miami la gran feria de la tecnología financiera

Se desarrolla en Miami la gran feria de la tecnología financiera

  Esta semana se desarrolla en Miami CL@B 2017, la  mayor conferencia de tecnología e innovación de Latinoamérica . Organizada conjuntamente por FIBA (Florida International Bankers Association)...
Fintech mexicana desarrolla tecnología para dar créditos en minutos

Fintech mexicana desarrolla tecnología para dar créditos en minutos

  El nombre de la fintech es Konfio, y el secreo de su éxito es su algoritmo. Pero para empezar por el principio, como corresponde,...
El equity crowsourcing toma impulso en México

El equity crowsourcing toma impulso en México

  Hace unos meses arrancó en México Propeler,  una nueva plataforma de financiamiento colectivo que permite a las personas invertir en empresas scale-ups a cambio de acciones. Es el...

The First Annual Toronto FinTech Academic Conference

The Annual Toronto FinTech Conference We are pleased to announce that our founder, Dr. Salvatore Moccia, will be present at the First Fintech Academic Conference...
México ya es el líder Fintech en América Latina

México ya es el líder Fintech en América Latina

Las 80 nuevas startups Fintech surgidas en los últimos 10 meses en México, ponen al pais a la cabeza de la carrera por la...
Las FinTech no temen crecer

Las FinTech no temen crecer

Por AURA HERNÁNDEZ México tiene la oportunidad de revolucionar el sector financiero gracias a la aparición de las llamadas empresas FinTech, lo que ha hecho que...
Pablo Miller, el colombiano detrás de la firma de reclutamiento tecnológico Fincruit

Pablo Miller, el colombiano detrás de la firma de reclutamiento tecnológico Fincruit

A comienzos de 2016, Cuando Pablo Miller llegó desde Londres a Bogotá para tomar un receso en su trabajo, vio con sorpresa la elevada...

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Blockchain’s true breakthrough lies in its constraints

Blockchain’s true breakthrough lies in its constraints

By Davide Menegaldo Disclosure: The views and opinions expressed here belong solely to the author and do not represent the views and opinions of crypto.news’...

The Impact of IPL Auctions on Betting Trends

The IPL auction is one of the most eagerly anticipated events in cricket. Franchises make fierce bids for marquee players months before the very...
4 ways that AI and tech are reshaping finance

4 ways that AI and tech are reshaping finance

By Betsy Vereckey Generative AI and financial data are opening up the digital economy to more consumers and small businesses, but crypto concerns remain. Advances in artificial...