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Fintech news: Financial Technologies news that implement innovations in order to improve financial services. Also referred to companies using these techs.

La revolución de las ‘fintech’

La revolución de las ‘fintech’

By Fintech Move “Ya está todo inventado”. Es una frase muy común, y que seguramente todos hemos mencionado en alguna ocasión. Pero no todo está inventado,...
En España, existen ya 238 compañías Fintech y 63 Insurtech

En España, existen ya 238 compañías Fintech y 63 Insurtech

Según los datos facilitados por la AEFI ayer, actualmente existen en España 238 compañías Fintech y 63 Insurtech, lo que representa un crecimiento exponencial...
Una agresiva banca española en busca de nuevos modelos 'fintech'

Una agresiva banca española en busca de nuevos modelos ‘fintech’

By Christopher Truce El mundo financiero está en pleno proceso de transformación digital. A lo largo y ancho del sector, la banca y empresas de servicios...
Banca digital se intensifica; las fintech se aproximan

Banca digital se intensifica; las fintech se aproximan

By EDGAR JUÁREZ Ahí vienen las fintech y los bancos lo saben. De acuerdo con Bankia Fintech by Insomnia, en alrededor de 10 años esta industria...
Can banks rebuild consumer trust with digital services?

Can banks rebuild consumer trust with digital services?

  By Victoria Kirk Owal Trust has eroded Most banking customers regardless of age have a functional relationship with financial institutions. We trust our banks as far...
The Smartphone Is The New Bank

The Smartphone Is The New Bank

By Matthew Wilcox The day is nearer than anyone thought when children wonder aloud what on earth their forebears did with those folded, leather...
Fintegration: así se relacionan las fintech y los bancos

Fintegration: así se relacionan las fintech y los bancos

By María Gómez Silva El fintech fue percibido en su nacimiento como un fenómeno destinado a desestabilizar al sector bancario tradicional mediante servicios financieros disruptivos...
RBC is the first bank to offer Siri e-transfers

RBC is the first bank to offer Siri e-transfers

By Jayson MacLean RBC has become the first Canadian bank to provide its customer with e-transfer services using the Siri feature on Apple phones and...
How Blockchain will Change the Future of Financial Service Sector?

How Blockchain will Change the Future of Financial Service Sector?

By Toni Xhufi The technology that is likely to have an enormous impact on the future of the world economy has arrived and it is...
La revolución fintech es imparable y “está empezando a desintermediar"

La revolución fintech es imparable y “está empezando a desintermediar”

La realidad es que tras el I Estudio presentado por el Observatorio Globaltech sobre Rentabilidad Financiera hay una pérdida de cerca de 7.300 millones...

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Fintech opportunities to watch for in 2025

Fintech opportunities to watch for in 2025

By Tom Nawrocki The next wave of payment innovation will come from areas poised for major growth, making identifying those areas a key focus for...
Blockchain betting: Top 5 benefits of playing Bitcoin casinos 

Blockchain betting: Top 5 benefits of playing Bitcoin casinos 

By Pratik Chadhokar Cryptocurrencies are becoming integral to daily life, with an expanding number of individuals reaping the benefits of this instrument. Due to its...
Why your business should accept Crypto payments

Why your business should accept Crypto payments

In recent years, the digital landscape has experienced a significant transformation, particularly in the realm of financial transactions. Among the most groundbreaking developments is...