General Insurance outstanding achievement award win for Willis Towers Watson’s Duncan Anderson


Willis Towers Watson’s Global Insurance Technology Leader, Duncan Anderson, has been awarded the General Insurance Outstanding Achievement Award 2020, an award given for his contribution to the profession by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.

The GI Outstanding Achievement Award recognises the exceptional accomplishments, commitment and professional leadership of actuaries working in the GI field that have not only helped to champion and further develop professional standards within the IFoA, but also contributed to and influenced actuarial, regulatory and policy matters globally.

Over the last 30 years, Duncan has been instrumental in developing and promoting the profession’s expertise and thought leadership on actuarial and pricing matters in the UK and worldwide. A former Chair of the Institute of Actuaries GI Practice Executive Committee (now the GI Board), Duncan led the Institute’s “GRIP” taskforce, which reviewed the role of the profession in pricing, established the IFoA’s annual GI Pricing Seminar, and has regularly contributed his experience to guide and develop policy, including advising the UK Parliament’s Transport Committee inquiry into the cost of motor insurance.

With his specialism in personal lines pricing and related software, Duncan has worked with most of the UK’s main insurers and major multinational insurance groups. He continues to steer the development of market-leading insurance technology and software solutions used by over 1,000 insurers for pricing, claims, underwriting, reserving and capital management.

Sameer Keshani, Chair of the General Insurance Board at the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, said: “We were really pleased that Duncan accepted our award this year. It had been long overdue and is just a small way for the profession to recognise the enormous contribution he has made over the years. Duncan is certainly someone that we would hold up as a role model for aspiring actuaries and it tells you a lot about him that despite numerous achievements, he is still humble, kind and generous with his time”.

Duncan Anderson, Global Insurance Technology Leader, Willis Towers Watson, commented: “I’m greatly honoured to receive this award. The special sense of community that exists in the GI actuarial profession, which continues to foster a willingness to engage new ideas, collaborate and work for the common good, has been incredibly rewarding to experience, making this award especially meaningful.

“The role of the GI actuary has seen significant change over the last 30 years, not only in terms of what companies want but also in what actuaries can deliver.  As a profession we need to continue to innovate, adapt, and harness the latest technology developments in this increasingly digital world.”

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