Here’s where fintech is heading next

By Nikolai Kuznetsov Thus far, growth in the Fintech sector has been exponential, but that has largely been the result of many years of under-development and a general absence of regulatory hurdles. That has left...

French Regulators to Launch Fintech Teams; French fintech startups welcomed the move, which could...

(Wall street Jounal, 04 May 2016) The French banking supervisory authority and the country's securities regulator are teaming up in a bid to support innovation in France's nascent fintech sector. Speaking at the Fintech R:Evolution conference...
Los españoles, más conectados a las redes sociales que sus vecinos europeos

Los españoles, más conectados a las redes sociales que sus vecinos europeos

El uso de las redes sociales en España experimenta un "crecimiento brutal": los internautas españoles se conectan cada semana a una media de 6,2 plataformas sociales, una cifra superior a las 5,4 de sus...
Examining The Top 4 Fintech Predictions For This Year And Beyond

Examining The Top 4 Fintech Predictions For This Year And Beyond

By David Klein Alongside “Unicorn” and “Grexit/Brexit,” “Fintech” was considered one of the top 10 financial buzzwords of 2015.  But fintech isn’t a newcomer to this list — and for good reason. For a few years now, fintech companies...