– N26 has launched its “2021 Global Digital BankingIndex” – an analysis of surveys and research done with over 47,000 banking customers in28 markets to explore consumers’ changing attitudes towards digital banking.
-Across the 28 countries surveyed, nearly 1 in 4 persons (23%, an estimated 450 millioncustomers) already has a digital-only bank account. Almost half (46%) of the survey’sparticipants without an online account would be motivated to open one in order to accessthe simple and convenient user experience, clear and simple communication, competitivepricing, and user-friendly features that digital banks offer. The findings also suggest thatthe number of digital banking customers could grow to around 70% of the populationacross countries surveyed – potentially 1.4 billion people in all.
-In this, trust remains an important factor to attract and retain customers. With the lack offace-to-face interaction in the online space, it is particularly important for digital banks tosuccessfully infuse intimacy and humanity in their interactions with customers.
-According to the study, the top three countries with the highest share of customers with adigital-only bank account are Saudi Arabia (54%), United Arab Emirates (51%), and Brazil(44%). The countries demonstrating the fastest growth in digital banking adoption in thelast two years were Switzerland (82%), Brazil (73%) and Australia (58%).
-Europe lags behind when it comes to the share of customers with digital-only bankaccounts, e.g. France (20%), Spain (15%), Belgium (13%), Germany (10%), and theNetherlands (8%). However, these countries have also seen an immense increase in thedigital banking population between 2018 and 2020, e.g. Switzerland (82%), Ireland (56%),the UK (55%), France (53%), Spain (44%) Germany (35%), Belgium (30%), and Italy (28%).
-While the majority of digital-only adopters are higher-income earners, male, and aged 25 to44 years, the study shows the start of a noticeable shift in user demographics when itcomes to digital banking. The study showed that Spain sees high adoption of digital-onlybanking among the middle class, where 55% of digital-only customers have mediumincomes, closely followed by Italy with 53%. While many see digital banking customers andpredominantly Gen-Z, this is no longer the case. In Italy, 45% of digital banking customersare above 45 years old. In France, there are as many digital banking customers over the ageof 55 as there are between 18 and 24 years old – 1 in 5 in both cases.
-For the full 2021 Global Digital Banking Index and to download the report please visithttps://n26.com/en-eu/global-banking-index.
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