How blockchain technology is revolutionising Fintech in 2020

How blockchain technology is revolutionising Fintech in 2020

By Vikram Two decades down under, and the 21st century doesn’t fail to amaze you with its innovation. In fact, the pace of it is...
Netflix-inspired banking: why corporate banks must take insights to the next level

Netflix-inspired banking: why corporate banks must take insights to the next level

By  Jessica Cheney, For most financial institutions, the path ahead in 2020 means wading through the land of the unknown. Beyond what’s immediately in front...
10 AI in banking examples you should know

10 AI in banking examples you should know

By Stephen Gossett With plenty of post-recession anti-banking sentiment still lingering, it’s common to see fintech and traditional banks framed in oppositional terms. There’s some truth to...

El coaching asegura la productividad y motivación de los profesionales durante el confinamiento, según...

Madrid, 28 de abril de 2020.- YUcoach, la plataforma de coaching profesional íntegramente online de referencia en España, asegura que los procesos de coaching...
New business models to take fintech beyond payments, credit

New business models to take fintech beyond payments, credit

By Malavika Velayanikal When you mention fintech, what comes to mind is digital payments and loans. While Paytm and PhonePe dominate digital payment apps, the...
7 ways voice marketing enhances digital banking

7 ways voice marketing enhances digital banking

  Digital banking is all about making customer experiences faster, easier and more engaging. Voice response marketing through smart speakers and digital assistants is increasingly...
Blockchain technology disrupting digital banking

Blockchain technology disrupting digital banking

By Adeola Bukhabir One of the most-discussed topics over the past few years is the transformation and digitization of the financial sector. As it is evident, a...
Profesionales del machine learning:

Profesionales del machine learning: de qué se trata este puesto clave

  Por Marysol Antón Hace algunos años, cuando alguien pensaba en un especialista sobre este tema, lo asociaba a un empleo del futuro. Ahora es parte del presente....
AI and machine learning in finance:

AI and machine learning in finance: use cases in banking, insurance, investment, and CX

Just 30 years ago, you would have to wait days for a bank to approve your credit. Or spend weeks bogged down by your...
El coronavirus motivó que se triplicara el pago electrónico de servicios durante la cuarentena

El coronavirus motivó que se triplicara el pago electrónico de servicios durante la cuarentena

  En las últimas dos semanas el pago de facturas de servicios por canal electrónico se triplicó en relación al promedio habitual de una quincena...

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The priorities of Bitcoiners are starting to shift in the wrong direction, and represent an actual existential threat to the success of a censorship...
How AI and quantum technologies are transforming the financial industry

How AI and quantum technologies are transforming the financial industry

The financial services’ vast well of data and communications means the industry both benefits and is vulnerable to harm by artificial intelligence (AI). ...
How AI can help prevent money laundering and fraud in Crypto transactions

How AI can help prevent money laundering and fraud in Crypto transactions

This article explains why artificial intelligence (AI) is a promising way to improve security and combat financial crimes within cryptocurrency. How AI Can Help Prevent...