Los bancos apuestan a la omnicanalidad

Los bancos apuestan a la omnicanalidad: ocho de cada diez entidades busca profundizar sus...

  El Banco Central comenzará a regular más intensamente el funcionamiento de las cuentas de pago ofrecidas por las fintech. La institución aseguró que busca...
Five years of BLIK: 353 million transactions worth

Five years of BLIK: 353 million transactions worth PLN 47 billion – time for...

BLIK was launched in February 2015 thanks to an agreement between six competitor banks. The solution was entirely invented in Poland. It was based...
Melinda Gates' Pivotal Ventures and M12 name CLEDARA

Melinda Gates’ Pivotal Ventures and M12 name CLEDARA top 5 enterprise software startupRTUP

  Cledara Limited (“Cledara”), a groundbreaking purchase and analytics platform for the subscription economy, announces that it has been selected by Microsoft’s venture fund, M12,...
Visa se sube al tren Fintech e invierte en varias startups de Latam

Visa se sube al tren Fintech e invierte en varias startups de Latam

Por ANTONIO SANDOVAL El nuevo ecosistema financiero es fundamental para, Visa, el gigante global de servicios bancarios y, por ello, se mantuvo activo en inversiones...
Cómo es el panorama insurtech en la región

Cómo es el panorama insurtech en la región

By Martín Ferrari El mercado asegurador crece impulsado por el mayor número de empresas insurtech. El sector atrae cada vez más inversiones, y su expansión...
El Outsourcing, una nueva estrategia empresarial en las Tic

El Outsourcing, una nueva estrategia empresarial en las Tic

  -      En el actual contexto económico de globalización aparecen nuevas estrategias empresariales. Una de ellas, el Outsourcing, orientada a mejorar la competitividad -      La consultora Hasten Group ofrece servicios de outsourcing tecnológicos...
Citizen announce partnership with UK Charity Shelter

Citizen announce partnership with UK Charity Shelter

The Open Banking provider has announced a partnership with the UK charity, letting donors make payments to Shelter via Citizen. Citizen helps merchants offer cardless...
La lista Fintech 50 de Forbes incluye a 6 empresas cripto

La lista Fintech 50 de Forbes incluye a 6 empresas cripto

  La revista Forbes publicó esta semana su lista Fintech 50, en la cual se encuentran seis empresas blockchain entre los medios de comunicación de las empresas de tecnología...
Top 5 trends for digital payments in 2020

Top 5 trends for digital payments in 2020

  Technology has always been a keystone to the evolution of the banking and financial services sector, as it continuously revolutionized the way the financial...
Xolo launches seamless banking for solopreneurs in cooperation with Wirecard

Xolo launches seamless banking for solopreneurs in cooperation with Wirecard

Xolo, a leading service provider for micro-businesses, and Wirecard Bank, a global innovation leader in digital financial technology, have launched banking for solopreneurs and...

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How Blockchain tech can streamline treasury operations

How Blockchain tech can streamline treasury operations

Blockchain is entering its institutional era. And the enterprise treasury function is all eyes and ears to the innovation. For example, news came this week...
Three ways DeFi will revolutionize financial services

Three ways DeFi will revolutionize financial services

DeFi is poised to create a future where financial services are digital, open, always-on, and borderless, says Bill Barhydt, CEO, Abra. By Bill Barhydt It’s widely...
Why smart investors buy Bitcoin not Real Estate

Why smart investors buy Bitcoin not Real Estate

Bitcoin's finite supply, unmatched liquidity, and deflationary model make it the ultimate asset for modern investors. Learn why forward-thinking investors have decided to buy...