Success stories

Success stories in startups related to emerging technologies are very attractive. Applications and triumphs that entrepreneurs bring to our daily lives.

A new milestone for iDenfy – the startup has welcomed its 500th partner

Kaunas, Lithuania (May 26, 2022) – iDenfy, best known for its identity verification and fraud prevention services, passed a new internal company record by...

Bye bye 2021: beats a new record

Bye bye 2021. Back in 2016, when we imagined for the first time, we were wondering what could have been the record for...

Cloud Mining || This Real Estate Investor’s Side Hustle Generates More than $140,000 in...

Eng Taing is a crypto enthusiast who is in the business of making money. Taing says he is an extensive investor, but makes most...

Investors earn more than 20% in ROI on a buy-to-let crowdfunding platform InRento

With the rapid popularity of crowdfunding platforms, more and more people are investing in real estate projects. To add, investing in rental properties is...

TH March partners with Novidea to drive digital transformation with end-to-end, cloud-based broker platform

12 May 2022 – London, UK – Novidea today announces that it has partnered with the UK’s leading jewellery insurance broker, TH March, to...

How well do you know your business partners?

iDenfy, the identity verification and fraud prevention startup from Lithuania, introduced its automated Know Your Business (KYB) platform. iDenfy’s Business Verification services will offer...

After raising £6m in funding, Timeline’s Abraham Okusanya lays out his vision for revolutionising...

Timeline and Betafolio founder Abraham Okusanya talks funding success, bridging the advice gap, and giving advised clients what matters most – more time with...

The three challenges of being a female leader in fintech and how to overcome...

By Ximena Aleman, Co-CEO at Prometeo. The booming fintech industry across the globe raised $13.4 billion in the first quarter of 2021, as Covid-19 propelled fintech adoption. And as...
MAPFRE reveals new Strategic Plan 2022-2024

MAPFRE reveals new Strategic Plan 2022-2024

    The MAPFRE Annual General Meeting approved, among other resolutions, the accounts for fiscal year 2021, when the company posted a result of 765 million...

MAPFRE launches new global call for InsurTech start-ups

Insur_space by MAPFRE launches new fast-track-to-market program, its fourth to-date, to attract initiatives from around the world that want to grow in the insurance...

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Bitcoin: What went wrong?

The priorities of Bitcoiners are starting to shift in the wrong direction, and represent an actual existential threat to the success of a censorship...
How AI and quantum technologies are transforming the financial industry

How AI and quantum technologies are transforming the financial industry

The financial services’ vast well of data and communications means the industry both benefits and is vulnerable to harm by artificial intelligence (AI). ...
How AI can help prevent money laundering and fraud in Crypto transactions

How AI can help prevent money laundering and fraud in Crypto transactions

This article explains why artificial intelligence (AI) is a promising way to improve security and combat financial crimes within cryptocurrency. How AI Can Help Prevent...