La ‘fuga de cerebros’ de directivos de la banca tradicional al sector FinTech
El enorme crecimiento del sector FinTech a lo largo de los últimos años viene explicado en gran medida por la ventaja competitiva que representa...
Fintech companies are in ‘a full-scale battle for talent’ — here are the hardest...
By Oscar Williams-Grut
LONDON — Britain's booming fintech sector is facing a skills shortage, according to exclusive data provided to Business Insider, with many job...
China invierte más de US$10.000 millones en tecnología financiera
Las inversiones chinas en tecnología financiera este año podrían superar los US$ 10,000 millones récord del 2016 a medida que las empresas continúan recaudando...
Los proyectos fintech más prometedores de España
By Mará Gómez Silva
«Fintech», el neologismo creado a partir de los vocablos ingleses «finance» (finanzas, en español) y «technology» (tecnología), se refiere a la...
Inside the Royal Bank of Canada’s machine-learning labs
By Suman Bhattacharyya
As consumer banking becomes increasingly virtual, banks are setting the bar high for their non-human ambassadors.
Machines will soon be able to carry...
Interview: The FinTech Customer Centric Model: Better, Cheaper, Faster
By Wendy Glavin, Founder & CEO, Wendy Glavin Agency
Last December, while consulting, I spoke with Jim Eckstein, CEO of TradeRocket, a FinTech startup. Prior...
TransferWise launches international money transfers via Facebook
By Anna Irrera, New York
The London-based startup said on Tuesday that it had developed a Facebook Messenger "chatbot", or an automated program that can...
Atomico capta 723 millones para invertir en ‘startups’ europeas
Atomico, uno de los fondos de inversión más importantes de Europa, ha cerrado una nueva ronda de financiación de 765 millones de dólares, una...
The evolution of the regulatory landscape alongside the rise of FinTech.
Traditionally, compliance isn’t seen as the most innovative or exciting area, but hand in hand with FinTech, and other innovative businesses it becomes much...
The digital corner. Digital transformation in banking – is it a mission impossible?
By Sabrina Del Prete
Digital transformation is the new craze in banking. Chief Digital Officers, a role just fresh out of the mould, barely have...
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Trends that are reshaping the financial sector
By Patrick Bucquet
As we enter 2025, financial institutions—from banks to fintechs—must be ready to adapt to changes, particularly when it comes to regulations and...
How is Artificial Intelligence Powering the iGaming Market to Reach its Ultimate Potential?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly transformed a number of industries and iGaming is no exception. Through integrating AI, a number of savvy online casino...
How Fintech Is Revolutionizing the Gaming Industry
Fintech is transforming the gaming industry, making transactions faster, safer, and easier than ever. Digital wallets, blockchain technology, and cryptocurrency are redefining how players...