The second Bonfire accelerator - open for application


Last year PwC and Findec combined forces and started the Bonfire accelerator program, which is dedicated for young startups within fintech, regtech and insurtech. This 4-month program offers selected startups training days, inspiration, mentorship, advisory and coaching to make sure that they have the tools, network and knowledge to succeed in business for years to come. The program has an emphasis on preparing the startups for an international scale-up and expansion. 

Hear from the first cohort: 

“The bonfire program helped us to take some big leaps forward, as well resolve questions regarding banking processes, knowledge that later gained us the first signed contracts […] The in-depth knowledge we got from our mentors into the banking sector was priceless, touching subjects and processes that aren’t common knowledge.” – Isak Nyberg, Vice President of Centiglobe 

Getting a second and senior view on our value proposition was a very good lesson for us. We specifically remember a workshop in the beginning of the program where the PwC consultants guided us to put down in words the value we are selling. This was something we already had in place for quite a while but rewriting those words and getting the groups feedback on it was very interesting and also a fun exercise.” – Peter Hjort, CEO of IDKollen 

The network with mentors and companies in the program has opened many doors for us, such as new investors, customers and advisors. The content of the program has been very important, since it has helped us in both strategic direction of the company & helping us to avoid bad decisions.” – Martin Einemo, CEO & Co-founder and Lotta Rauséus, COO & Co-founder of Insurely 

Make sure that you are ready to take the next step in your company’s journey. Look up, jump into the helicopter and bring that mindset into the Bonfire sessions. If you are in a phase where everything is about solving daily issues you are probably not ready, OR jump in the helicopter and plan for the scaleup together with other companies ready to grow” – Fredrik Mistander, CEO & Co-founder of Invoier 

The positive feedback from the first cohort and interest from the Swedish fintech community have motivated us to kick start the second Bonfire. 

Application is open between December 14th, 2020 and January 13th, 2021, visit the program page at and reach out to us at if you have any questions. 

Findec & Decentralized AB | Organisation Number: 559177-2354 | C/O Embassy House, Linnégatan 89C, 115 23 Stockholm, Sweden

PwC Sweden, the leading company in the field of audit and advisory services, is a strategic partner of Findec – the Swedish hub for Fintechs. 

Findec – Fintech & Decentralized, is the Swedish hub for fintechs, with the mission to boost the Swedish ecosystem and create more success stories by supporting members through network, knowledge and collaboration. For more information, visit 

We’re pleased to see the first cohort thrive during and after the Bonfire accelerator program. With positive response from our members, we are confident to kick start the second Bonfire program with our strategic partner, PwC. We encourage young Fintechs who think they’re ready to take the next step to grow to apply for this program“, said Mats Holmfeldt, Chairman and Founding partner of Findec. 

After a successful first Bonfire, we are looking forward to launching the program with the second cohort! Participants in the program will have access to PwC’s expertise and experience in what it takes to run a business, how to develop innovative business models and create brands that stand out in the ecosystem.“ concludes Christian Öberg, PwC Sweden, responsible for the partnership with Findec. 

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